Established since 2005, our purpose-built kennels are licensed to accept 70 dogs,
or 46 kennels, and our canine visitors can be any breed, age and size; active or sedate.
To make their stay a happy one we provide
- New, large purpose-built heated kennels
- Qualified and experienced staff, with a high staff to dog ratio
- 3 Extensive, secure grass exercise paddocks covering 3 acres
- Exercise to their requirements
- Socialisation between the dogs, where possible
- Veterinary approved services
- Grooming and washing services (for a small fee)
We only ask that they
- Have appropriate vaccination records against leptospirosis, parvovirus, canine distemper,
hepatitis and parainfluenza
- Promise to enjoy their stay with us
- Tell all their friends about us !
If you decide to have the kennel cough vaccination it MUST be done 14 days
minimum before arrival day. The reason for this is because it is a live vaccine and can spread to other dogs.
Do you want to give your dog a day out while you are out or working.
They will have access to enclosed large spacious paddocks where your dog(s)
can meet other doggy friends off the lead.
Sedate dogs can spend their day wandering around helping the staff do their daily chores
(and cadge a treat or 2!) also welcoming new customers in the reception.
Your dogs will be kept safe with us when out of hours.
Please talk to a member of staff if you have queries or would like to book your dog(s) in.