Philip Bishop
‘The 2nd Boss’ with his favourite trialling boys Atticus and Radley.
I started off as a dairy farmer but decided to go down my real interest which are dogs.
Because of our rural position we got a licence in 2007. Since then things have taken off due to having
similar dog interested staff who also love dogs and cats.
In my spare time (when not farming and being called out to help at the kennels when we are busy)
I love training my dogs. I also have a variety of ducks and chickens, which roam around our garden.

Marion Bishop
‘The Proper Boss’ on holiday in Devon.
I am the one on the other end of the phone, taking all your messages and passing it on to the girls.
Having been front of house at a school for 32 years, I enjoy speaking to you all and getting to know you and your beloved pets.
I have a much loved Westie cross Poodle whose name is Toby, you may see him bolting out of the garden and running up the drive to greet you.

Alicia Strauss
With her Sharpei cross Jack Russell called Ozzy, and much missed crazy Dobermann called Luna.
I started off volunteering at Ash Farm when I was 14 years old. I then went to Reaseheath College to study
Level 3 Extended Diploma in Animal Management, and Phil offered me a full time job after I had finished
my course in 2012.
I am also trained in canine and human first aid, and I am a level 3 qualified hydrotherapist.
I run my own hydrotherapy centre which is based near the Kennels.
I have a Sharpei cross Jack Russell called Ozzy. I had a beautiful loopy Doberman called Luna
who unfortunately passed away but will still always be remembered.

Lauren Davies
With Tess
I have been working at Ash Farm for over 10 years, and I love it. I have grown up with dogs since I was younger and now I have my best friend
Tess who doesn’t leave my side. When I left school I did an apprenticeship in animal care, I then went onto Broomfield College to study
Level 3 Extended Diploma in Animal Management After this I found Ash Farm and Phil offered me a job and I’ve never looked back.
I have recently done a dog first aid emergency canine care course. I have recently got a bug for travelling, I love going to new places and
exploring the culture.

Katie Davies
With Rosie
I have been working at Ash Farm for 5 years where I have done my Level 2 and Level 3 Work Based Diploma in Animal Care at Broomfield College, and
I am currently taking part in a grooming course, planning to bring a grooming salon to Ash farm in Spring 2022!
I have recently done a dog first aid emergency canine care course. I have always had a really keen interest in working with animals since
I was younger. I have a border collie called Rosie, who used to be a customer at the kennels but due to unfortunate circumstances the
owner could no longer look after her. I instantly fell in love with Rosie. You’ll usually find me hiding away in the cattery,
fussing all cats.

Sophie Birks
I am currently the apprentice at ash farm and am really enjoying it.
I attended Broomfield college and did my level 2 animal care.
I’ve always loved animals, growing up with dogs I knew I wanted to work with them.
I have two jack Russell’s otto and willow; willow loves coming, especially when she’s running in the field
with all the other dogs that come to visit. I am normally in the Astro with all the day dogs.

Tia Hathaway
I am currently working as an apprentice at Ash Farm kennels and so far, I have been really enjoying it.
I attended Broomfield college where I have completed my level 2 animal care course.
As a child I grow up in Tanzania with lots of dogs and seeing how people mistreated dogs I know that I wanted to work with them.
When I moved to England, I was given the chance to work hands on with them.
I often find myself sitting in kennels with different dogs that come into board.